Thursday, March 26, 2009

Do Not Worry 2

How interesting that many of our readings have circled back to this basic message: "Do not worry."

Last night, as I was waiting for people to arrive for the soup supper, I chose the Bible passages that we read before our Labyrinth Walk. So far, I've been choosing a Psalm and a Gospel passage. I flip through the pages, and try to be alert to the promptings of the Spirit.

Last night, I chose Matthew 6: 25-34, which spoke to many of us around the table, since it talked about worry. I love the closing verse: "So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today's trouble is enough for today."

We were so moved by the passage that we decided not to sing a Taize song before we walked, as has been our custom. We wanted to focus on those words.

Worry and fretfulness is something I struggle with, even as I know that it's useless to worry. Often, the things I worry about don't come to pass, while I'm blindsided by something I didn't anticipate, didn't worry about in advance.

More importantly, I should have more trust in God and these words that we all keep coming back to. In the words of the old song: "Have no fear, little flock."

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