Monday, March 2, 2009

Reading Old Testament Prophets During an Economic Implosion

Last week, Carl and I read the book of Amos. Sometimes I like the Old Testament prophets, but lately, I find myself feeling a bit spooked. I listen to the news and hear tales of doom. I read Amos, and hear the voice of impending apocalypse.

This week, we'll return to the New Testament.

During our Lenten return to reading the Bible 15 minutes a day, I think we won't read our way through a single huge book, like we tried to do with the Psalms. While it's an interesting experience, all the Psalms at once, I found it difficult to return to our daily reading, as we got further and further into the book. It seemed repetitious, and I didn't like the negative emotions; it seemed excessive to me. I have a friend who says that's what she treasures about the Psalms, that naked honesty about the full human experience, but I find it tiring on a daily basis.

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