Friday, January 16, 2009


I knew heading into my Covenant that their would come some challenges to my schedule, and sure enough...

I am in Romans still and have found two things. 1) In some respects, through all of the time I am spending with Paul, I miss Jesus through the Gospels. I think Kristin alluded to something similar as she and Carl work their way through Psalms. 2) That feeling is alright, though, because I've really leaned on the force of Paul's confidence as evidenced in the conviction with which he writes.

It's simple: even if I can't do 15 minutes, if I just get to a quiet moment at the beginning and end of each day, even if I fall asleep immediately, and have my Bible in front of me, I will stay on point. If I drift from Scripture, I drift in life. Funny how that works out.

Kind of neat on this blog how recent posts have touched on the impact of Scripture in mind (PK's theological study), body (Denise drawing strength to continue her program), and soul (Kristin's post on wants/needs).

From Romans (5:2-4)-And we rejoice in the hope and glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our suffereings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope."

I purchased a motorcycle back in June for a variety of reasons relating to mind, body, and soul. I got rear-ended this week and though I was fine physically, I took a real shot to my mind and soul. I left the accident and felt driven to call out of work for the day and hit the highway, which I did. Intellectually, I knew that riding in a state of shock was not the brightest thing to do (I have never claimed to be the brightest bulb in the Chandelier of Life), but on the deepest level I had complete faith that I would be safe and that I would restore the strength and confidence I had before some kid ran his car into me.

I think Kristin is right on point, especially in a larger context. I wish I were bigger, stronger, more confident and that, having hoarded an excess of strength, I motored through life's challenges with the greatest of ease. But I am not. I am human and so I persevere. Through Christ, I find just enough confidence and strength to get done what I have to do, or fix wherever I've dropped the ball, and smile enough to keep a happy home and workplace.

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